Cry Hard

Girls are complicated. Well I admit that. Girls are always get emotional especially when the time of the month comes "period" or pms or just any other time. Girls tend to trust their feelings rather than thinking logically. We always get emotional over something, like watching sad movies and end up crying hard or getting upset over something which does not mean anything. I also get upset easily especially when my emotion is unstable. I get annoyed with my own self because I cried when people ignores me and get so overthinking like " i am nobody so i am not important to people and nobody would want to accompany me and stay with me like i'm so useless. Hmm and tears falls like the waterfalls until get tired and start overthinking again and again. And sometimes, girls cried silently when they are upset, tried to hide their tears and wipe them just because they dont want people to judge them for being so emotional.

Crying is not a sign of weakness. Girls cry and boys cry too. Sometimes we do want to let it all out and maybe there's all kinds of problems that keep bothering us until we juat dont know what to do. Having someone to talk about the problems helps to at least lessen the burden and get over with the problems. Friends, family and partner are someone we can talk to as we are close to them. Finding a right person to talk to really helps as some people likes to judge instead of being a good listener. There will be times where you need someone to talk to all the time, someone you can rely on to and someone that would accept you no matter how worse you are. If someone wants to talk about their problems, listen to them and not judge them. Let them talk about their feelings, anger or things that upsetting them because they just need a listener to listen to them but not expecting a solution.

Talk seems easy but to communicate needs two people. One gives information and one accept and digest the information. If two people talks at the same time, it would not be a communication. Communication needs two or more people to focus on the person who are talking and gives their opinions when they have done talking. Distractions may lead someone who talk gets annoyed and probably think it was a waste of time tl talk to someone who doesn't even want to talk to them. What is the purpose of talking if the listener does not care right?

I wrote this because my friend was very upset with her other friend so she cried but I dont notice when she cried. I felt terrible because we sat beside each other in class when she cried. I did not even notice her being so upset. I should really be more observant towards people.


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