My Favorite Workout Videos


    Hi guys. Just now I was inspired to do my favorite workout videos to you because I think that some of us are still struggling to find great workout videos from the youtube.  I always find myself bored watching the same workout videos, so I always discover new channel videos which really makes me excited to do workout. I want to feel great during my workout session so i need to watch and do the workout until the workout is complete. I did not go to the gym since I find it hard for me to go out alone, so workout at home is the best option. It is hard to get up from my bed to workout but I always had to push myself harder and read motivational quotes so that I would be inspired to start workout. so, let's get started. 

Fitness Blender

The first youtube workout channel that I love the most is fitness blender. I really love the videos because the instructor, Kelli and Daniel always make the workout looks so much fun and they really motivates the viewers during the workout. They explain things that you should do and things you should avoid in order to get the maximum calories lose. How to workout using those videos? You can either find their website www.fitnessblender,com or make your own workout schedules. For example, you can do HIIT (high interval intensity training) 3 times a week and followed by other low intensity cardio for the rest of the week. 

The Fitness Marshall

Guess what? Dancing is the most fun workout that I've ever done. The Fitness Marshall videos are all about dancing to the popular songs. You could feel the vibe of hitting the floor with the beat of the songs. You would also get to be sweaty and healthier. I would watch the videos and dance for 20 to 30 minutes. The average time for a video is 3 to 4 minutes so, you can watch more videos to have a full workout. The best thing about this channel is either you are the beginner or had never dance ever, you could easily understand the instructions and follow them. It is easy, effective and much more fun. You could find out for more here

There are much more workout channels that was really easy to follow. Zumba is also the best workout for people who get bored easily. The zumba cheap thrills video above  is the one which I was practiced to perform a flash mob at the college. Just type zumba workout and you could find a lot more to work with. 


Lastly, I would go to pinterest app to find more great workout like yoga, pilates, toning and more. It works better for me when I want to workout with my own pace and listening to my own favorite songs. 

The most important thing is to have a healthy lifestyle. Workout is not only about losing weight but it is all about maintaining a good health and body. You need to workout for your own self and just ignore what people say about you. Eat clean and workout, if one of those fails, then it will not work out, I am in the middle of losing my weight and still struggling so hard but I believe that I will achieve my ideal weight. I believe in myself and I am gonna prove it, I hope it gives some inspiration for you to start working out for a healthier lifestyle and who knows i would also be motivated from my own entry. That's all, thank you.


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