Mom, Dad

      We took things for granted. We often forget how important our life is, our time spent and all our loved ones. We took things for granted that we, sometimes neglect our responsibilities, working so hard that we forget to call our parents and spend a quality time together. Have we ever think about when they went out of the door to go working, they drove their car and the road was jammed, managed to came office late, being scolded by the employer, working more to earn more, and came home early to finally spend a very little time with the family. They work so hard for us, their children. They loved us so much that they want us to be in a comfortable house, eating healthy foods, giving all necessities and things that they can afford.
      But sometimes, we become greedy when we're so young. We want more. Kids can't really understand about money. They want things that they cannot afford, especially when they see their friends boast about their new gadget and toys. Do you know what happened then? The parents find new source income just for buying new toys for the kids. They'd rather starve, restless and fatigue working just to get their kids to smile again. But do we,( grown ups people) really want them to sacrifice like before? Of course we can't even bear to see them get tired from working. We should be the one to help them , sacrifice our time, energy, wealth for them. They want us to take care of them like how they take care of us back then.
    I've seen a lot of stories where children neglect their parents, sending them to old folk's home, forget them and eventually not care of them anymore. How could they did that to them? After all of those times where their parents nurture them so well, how could they did terrible things to them? Parents were so happy to have children, as they believe children completes their life, but now? We are good people or at least we believe we are. So please, love our parents, care for them, call them and always visit them. Sometimes we get mad at them, but we should forgive them,as their fault is nothing compared to all the deeds they had done for us.
       Dad's affection is like a root, we can't see them but it was always there. We often think when we're young that dad did not love us when he scolded us and punished us for what we did. But we know deep inside in their heart, he really love us. He really care for us, that's why dqd punish us as they want us to change and make good decisions. Sometimes they had to be fierce, as they want to discipline us to become a better person.
       Mom, she bears all the pain to see us in this life. She cared for us, she did all the house chores, she cleaned all the mess we made and she eventually make sure that our necessities is perfect. She gives moral support to us and always try to be the best mother every single time. All she wanted from her son or daughter is to be a noble person and achieve the success in life. We could not being able to pay all of her deeds to us but at least we can lessen her burden and care for her more.
     Be grateful to have the best dad and mom. Either they are still here in this world or had passed away, keep remember them and always be a son or daughter that they will be proud of.


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