Five Ways to Win My Heart

Hi. Welcome to my blog. I am so thankful for convincing myself to make a blog (again). Just to let you know, I am still learning to make great post in this blog and I hope I can be a great blogger one day. Let's start with the topic, five ways to win my heart. There are so many ways to win my heart since I am so easy to fall in love. I admit that I've been in love for so many times and I know you're too. Or maybe if you're not falling in love yet, then you would feel it one day. I just want to share the way to win my heart because everyone had different ways and you can comment down below if you had the same ways like me or different ways to win your heart. Before that, this is only my perspective and what I've learn from my past experience. And just to let you know, I already have a boyfriend.
1. Be a fun person
I am an ENFP person so what I really love is having fun with my loved ones, just be crazy and not afraid in trying new things. I am such an adventurer in my life. Being afraid to try new things is kinda turn off for me. Why? I don't like doing the same thing over and over again because I am not an early planned person. I am spontaneous and I will always say yes to have new experience. Or can I just say just surprise me? I love surprises,the only thing that I would appreciate the most. What else? There would be times when I want to go to the theme park to ride roller coaster or maybe having a picnic in a sunny day. Well let's try out new hobbies, travels and doing silly stuff together.
2. Good-bad boy
I love bad boys so much because they look so powerful and hot but sometimes I crave for good boys who can really treat me better. Both have their own great personalities but sometimes what we see is not who they really are. Some bad boys have a really fragile heart and feelings when they were in love. I've been dated bad boys before and I could see that they always had a good side. They were kind and sweet to me but people always assumed that we wouldn't last. It's true but it was not because of their bad boy attitude but the circumstances itself made us apart. I've also met with good boys kind of nerd and well-behaved. They always want to start the conversation that they end up shy and nervous to talk to me. It was cute to see boys sweating when talking to a girl. It feels like they were really trying hard to win my heart. So I would choose a half good half bad person. He can be responsible and well mannered and also have bad boy attitude as well. Hahaha . Too much isn't? Well I found him and he's my boyfriend.
3. Being honest in all conditions
I love honest people. For me, I would feel betrayed when people being dishonest with me. So, I really need a person who can be honest with me in all conditions especially my family and friends. I don't care if strangers dishonest to me. If my loved ones dishonest with me, I would hardly trust them anymore. Sometimes they promise they won't but they broke the promises and it made me harder to keep trusting them. Since my relationship with my boyfriend is long distance relationship, then honest is a must for both of us. It is the strongest criteria that makes us close and feels less apart.
4. Giving attention and understands me
Have you ever being in a relationship where your boyfriend/girlfriend did not care about you? For me, as a girl , I need a lot of attention from the man that I love. I always wanted to share with him about my feelings, my problems and just anything that annoyed me. To win my heart, he must try to learn who I am and let me be myself. I am quite rebel so I need someone who can understands me. My boyfriend understands me well and that's why I love him.
5. Being commited to the relationship
When you were still young, you wanted to be in a relationship with someone you love without having any further plans. When you are mature enough, you want to find a 'perfect man' to marry him. I am in the situation where I want to further my plans to get married wih my boyfriend. I believe he is the guy that I want to spend whole life with. He always being commited with the relationship. Ever since we started to fall in love, he always said that we can manage to handle long distance relationship and we can be strong together. We may have fights and breakdowns but togetherness bring us to where we are right now. I just love him for alwatmys being serious and commited to what he had promised.
What about yours?
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